Meet Sarah Harden, born entrepreneur, digital media wizard, tireless advocate, fearless thought leader, mom of three, and CEO of Hello Sunshine, the global media company on a mission to change the narrative for women. Sarah graciously shared her time to talk big ideas (and turning them into action), the value of betting on yourself, the role that style plays in her life, and how she and Reese Witherspoon are growing one of the world’s most innovative companies.
EE: What an honor! Hello Sunshine is such an incredible company. What was your path to CEO?
SH: I grew up in a tiny town in Australia. If you’d told me back then that I’d be the CEO of a major corporation, I would have fallen over laughing. But I’ve always had an entrepreneurial drive, and my parents really prioritized education; I went to an amazing international boarding school as a day student. After college in Melbourne, I worked for Boston Consulting Group, and then won a scholarship to Harvard Business School. When that happened, my entire life changed…
EE: Go on…
SH: Being at Harvard was everything. It opened my mind to the intersection of tech and media and created so many paths for entrepreneurial ventures as well as other leadership opportunities. Long story short, I met Reese when I was working at Otter Media (an investor in Hello Sunshine), I realized quickly that she is the real deal. Together we wanted to create something that would change the dialogue for women, increase opportunities and leave the media industry in a better, more inclusive place. So, we both put in some capital, started building and…here we are.
EE: Changing the storytellers…speaking of stories, Reese’s Book Club is incredible.
SH: Right? The book club is really how we started, and now it’s scaled to become genuinely influential. We have a responsibility to shift the dialogue, to recognize and celebrate female authorship and agency. Reese is so thoughtful about the books she chooses—several of which we’ve turned into TV or film. On a personal level, it’s a true joy—I’ve always been a total bookworm.

EE: You often use the phrase “find your why.” What does it mean for you?
SH: I think it’s about nurturing your natural curiosity and creating the spaces where you’re going to win. Finding your why doesn’t happen overnight. I spent years learning and growing and failing and learning more; I just kept diving in. My own “why,” I’ve come to discover, is around building women’s economic power and changing financial authorship. I live for Hello Sunshine and our mission to put women at the center of the narrative; it’s as much a part of my life as my husband and three children.
EE: So, plenty of time on your hands…
SH: Actually, my packed schedule is one of the reasons I love EVEREVE clothes so much: they’re curated, super easy, comfortable…and I can still wear them to the office. At the end of the day, I want to show up as Sarah, but I also want to show up as CEO.
EE: What role does fashion play in your (crazy busy) life?
SH: It helps me feel like myself. I love clothes. If I had more time, I would shop more often. I like pieces with a little flair, a little twist, but I’m not a flashy person. I really appreciate comfort and function—no-brainer looks that look good. And I want my clothes to reflect me, Sarah. So, I’m thoughtful about how I dress every day, but I don’t spend a lot of time on it. I like to be able to wear everything in my closet. Needless to say, I prefer to shop women designers and women-led brands.
EE: 100%. Did you have a favorite look from the shoot?
SH: I literally loved everything I put on. It’s all so effortless and chic, and I don’t have to change a million times a day.
EE: At EVEREVE, we often talk about our ever-forward looking mindset. How does that resonate for you?
SH: I think it comes back to finding your why. It’s important to look forward, but in a thoughtful, intentional way. If you have the will, you can make anything successful. But you need to stay a couple of steps ahead and remain really informed about the sequence of your path. Identify your unique skill, your valuable perspective. Lean into your strengths. Get clear on what you want and how you want to make it happen. And get confident enough to take a few risks. You have to bet on yourself.

More on Sarah…
Learn more about Hello, Sunshine and Reese’s Book Club.
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